However, in the case of Kinoautomat , the interactive concept of the film was considered state property under the Communist regime, which meant that interested Hollywood executives were not permitted to license the technology. In turn, Kinoautomat fused live performance, audience participation and film to create a hybrid cinematic experience. In fact, the restored version is more concerned with contextualizing the Kinoautomat experience than transparently re mediating the film, and thus turns it into a historical artifact meant to be studied and appreciated, rather than to be watched and interacted with. Everyone's vote is visible around the perimeter of the film screen. Views Read Edit View history. This makes me suspect that the original version was not faithfully dubbed, just as the original speech of the moderator was adapted for a digitally savvy audience. kinoautomat

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Thus, it happened that he mistakenly rang the bell of the neighboring flat of the Svobodas. Since then was linoautomat in 15 countries all over the world and has been garnering attention in Prague since May 29, The film begins with the illusion that the projector is broken and the film reel is damaged — which does not apply to the home DVD viewing experience. So what to do?

Vending machines let the consumer see the options available either through a glass or as images prior to making a selection. Novak ignore the policeman or not, Kinnoautomat. But, later on in his book, Manovich admits: Novak portrayed by Miroslav Hornicekis interrupted by a nearly naked neighbour ringing his doorbell.

Kinoautomat - Wikipedia

Kinoauyomat widowed father and taxi driver who drives a German reporter from Seoul to Gwangju to cover the uprising, soon finds himself regretting his decision after being caught in the violence around him. The project was restored and directed in — by Alena Cincerova, daughter of Kinoautomat inventor Raduz Cincera. Novak — and, by extension, the viewer — being anything more than a victim of fatality.

At one point, the performer asks the audience to reconsider their decision, and offers them the chance to re-cast their vote.


In Februaryit was successfully presented to the public in the prestigious National Film Theatre in London. After the addition of some new scenes, it was performed for the last time at Expo '74 in Spokane. Although there is the suspended mystery of kinoauttomat is actually responsible for setting the building on fire, the film does not place the viewer in the role of the detective.

Add the first question.

The opening scene is of Mr. Alena Cincerova explains why. Edit Did You Know?


Introduction Interactive cinema IC is a productive realm of inquiry in film and media studies. Novak intrude the privacy of his neighbors by forced entry into their apartment, then Mr. A big Prague apartment building is on fire. Edit Cast Credited cast: Mind-game films such as the paradigmatic Memento Nolan, and The Sixth Sense Shyamalan, are more remembered for their manipulations of conventional cinematic temporality, cause and effect, and parallel planes of reality, than their derivative plots.

However, a closer examination of the sociopolitical context in which Kinoautomat was made not only reveals a more complex condition of its narrative, but also helps us form a more varied and nuanced understanding of interactivity and of the notion of nationhood expressed by way of an interactive format.

Only once, at the Expo, did the viewers vote no—when the scene involved a large group of nuns. Elsaesser goes as far as to suggest that mind-game films transcend national cinema because they raise universally resonant epistemological doubts and ontological concerns.

I expand the concept of discontinuous and variable media ted history through rigorous cross-contextual analysis of both undiscovered and pioneering interactive films such as the aforementioned Czechoslovakian film Kinoautomat. Each of the seats in the theater had a pushbutton panel with one red and one green button.


The disjunction becomes even more kinoautojat when Mr. Novak, the main character, in front of a burn-down apartment building saying "it wasn't my fault, really.


Clad in a towel, she has locked herself out of her own apartment kinoauhomat asks Mr. Kino-Automat inspired me, largely because it demontrates that in the end, the difference between actual control and apparent control, is zero. The MIT Press,p. I do this every day and you really did make an excellent choice.


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