All times are GMT Please, don't disturb me De o vreme incoa nu am mai baut If some time?????? Today I'm getting drunk with my friends Crezi k as putea sa te rog ceva You think that I'd be able to ask you something Azi nu ne vedem nu ma cauta Today we don't see each other, don't look for me Oricum nu dai de urma mea The time now is I like this life Astazi vreau sa beau k am o dambla Today I want to drink cause I have a whim O sa fac ce vreau nu ma deranja I'm going to do what I want disturb me Te rog eu nu ma deranja I didn't drink [? se intreaba dusmanii mei salam

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This is the life i like Astazi vreau sa beau k am o dambla Today I want to drink cause I we a whim O sa fac ce vreau nu ma deranja I'm going to do what I want don't disturb me Te rog duwmanii nu ma deranja Posted By asasas 0 replies Max Barskih - Nezemnaya Translate to Nu vreau sa te vad azi orice ar fi I don't want to see you today no matter what will happen Eu am sa ma imbat cu prietenii i will get drunk with my friends Astazi ma imbat cu prietenii Nicolae Guta - Beau cu prietenii.

se intreaba dusmanii mei salam

Today I'm getting drunk with my friends Crezi k as putea sa te rog ceva You think that I'd be able to ask you something Azi nu ne vedem nu ma cauta Today we don't see each other, don't look for me Oricum nu dai de urma mea A-Z Artists Advanced Search. All times are GMT The time now is Results 1 to 2 of 2. Today I'm getting drunk with my friends Crezi k as putea sa te rog ceva You think I could ask you something Azi nu ne vedem nu ma cauta Today we won't see each other, don't look for me Oricum nu dai de urma mea Max Barskih - Nesluchayno Translate to Anyway, don't susmanii me [?

Now I know what I have to do. Nu vreau sa te vad azi orice ar fi I don't want to see you, what ever it might bee Eu am sa ma imbat cu prietenii I'm going to get drunk with my friends Astazi ma imbat cu prietenii Thread Tools Show Printable Version.

Please, don't disturb me De o vreme incoa nu am mai baut If some time??????

Please, don't disturb me De o vreme incoa nu am mai baut It's been a while since I haven't drank anything Dar acum stiu ce am de facut But now I know what I have to do [? I didn't drink [? Max Barskih - Strannaya Translate to Nicolae Guta - Beau cu prietenii Cineva poate sa corecta si sa completa traducerea mea?

Please englisch or german By Lale in forum Romanian lyrics translation. I like this life Astazi vreau sa beau k am o dambla Today I want to drink cause I have a whim O sa fac ce vreau nu ma deranja I'm going to do what I want disturb me Te rog eu nu ma deranja I think this is wrong] Dar acum stiu ce am de facut But now I know what I have to do [?

se intreaba dusmanii mei salam


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